Our Consumers From Field to Fork

Welcome, all lovers of kidney beans and nutrition!

In some small way, and we say this sincerely, we already feel a connection to you. It is for you that our family, our growers and our customers apply our passion to our labors. A healthy diet is so, so much more than watching calories and fat counts. In fact, much more important is the quality of the food you eat, where it comes from, and how it has been grown.

In this section of our website, we celebrate the kidney bean in particular, but also a generally healthy life through natural foods from family farms using traditional techniques without genetic modification and excessive chemicals. Find delicious recipes, learn important information and tips about nutrition, and also read about the special causes we believe in and support that help bring better nutrition to those around the world who need it so desperately.

Why Eat Kidney Beans?

Did you know that kidney beans are one of the only foods that are included in two - yes, two - food groups? Their high-protein, mineral-rich attributes make them an excellent alternative to meats and poultry, as well as providing vitamins and fiber found in vegetables.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Pyramid, beans can add variety to your diet - not only in terms of taste, but from a nutritional standpoint. Beans are an excellent source of key vitamins and minerals to help keep your body healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease.

So what are you cooking for dinner tonight?

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Mediterranean Barley With Dark Red Kidney Beans and Arugula

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Mediterranean Barley With Dark Red Kidney…

Cook barley according to package directions, omitting salt. Combine barley, arugula, bell pepper, tomatoes, and dark red kidney beans in a large bowl. Combine lemon juice, oil, salt, and crushed red pepper, stirring with a whisk. Drizzle… view recipe

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Three Bean Pasta Salad

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Three Bean Pasta Salad

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Cook pasta according to package directions. Use a slotted spoon to transfer cooked pasta to a colander. Cook green beans in same boiling water until crisp-tender, about 5 minutes; drain. Rinse pasta… view recipe

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Tuna Nicoise Salad

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Tuna Nicoise Salad

Trim ends from green beans. In a large pot, bring 3 quarts water to a boil. Boil green beans until tender-crisp and bright green (about 7 minutes). Drain beans and place in a bowl of ice water to stop cooking and to chill. Arrange lettuce… view recipe

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